Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Drive@UCR Car Show Video!

Check out Drive@URC 1st Car Show on April 21, 2012 featuring 2 of our UNIQUEoneofakind and SheLikesIt Crew members cars. Slammed TC and LS400! 

Great video filmed by Wall-e Chan! 

Monday, April 23, 2012

Decals Now On Sale


UNIQUEoneofakind decals are now on sale. We have them in two colors, black and white. The size is 14x3.5 inches!

So, check out out ONLINE shop before we run out!


Sunday, April 22, 2012

Drive@UCR 4/21/12

After a long day, we met some cool people and had fun! Also, some photo cred to K.R.O.P.S for taking an awesome pictures of UNIQUE! So, here's a recap of the day!

Just finished setting up our UNIQUE booth!

K.R.O.P.S Photo Cred, of our whole booth with our tc and LS400!

K.R.O.P.S Photo Cred, Lexus LS400 owned by: Romane R. of SheLikesIt Crew!

K.R.O.P.S Photo Cred, one of our winners from our raffle Jerel Natividad!

UNIQUE says goodbye to Riverside.

Thanks to Drive@UCR for having us!

Saturday, April 21, 2012

On Our way to Drive@UCR Car Show

On our way to vend at Drive@UCR car show! Come out to support UNIQUEoneofakind! We are vending our whole collection, car decals, and giving out free stickers too!

Stop by our booth because we're going to raffle off free shirts and decals! Also, giving out snacks and drinks!

1190 Columbia Ave., Riverside, CA 92507

See you there & DO YOUnique!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012


SPRING/SUMMER Collection for 2012!

This is just a little preview on what we are coming out with this season. It will be ready up on our site by this month. So, keep an eye out the release date is coming soon! So, keep checking on our blog or Facebook for the update.

Also, if you want to pre-order the specific tank that is on this post by just emailing keepitunique@hotmail.com

Make UNIQUE your Lifesyle!